TLID0020 Shift materials safely using manual handling methods
This course is designed for participants in various industries such as retail, wholesale, warehousing construction, farming etc. and anyone who needs a formal qualification in manual handling. The course also provides a pathway leading onto various qualifications within the Transport and Logistics (TLI) training package.
Training delivery combines blended delivery learning via the Loadwise Australia online teaching platform and onsite face-to-face delivery via Trainer led practical sessions. This course involves the skills and knowledge required to shift loads using manual handling methods. As a guide, the unit of competency is broken into 3 elements including:
There are no pre-requisites for the Manual Handling Course, however due to the practical assessment activities students should be physically capable of performing some light lifting tasks.
To achieve competency in the Manual Handling assessment Learners will require the ability to read; correctly interpret signage; speak clearly and unambiguously in English; and to explain, describe and verify basic needs and issues.
Pre- enrolment skills checks are used by Loadwise Australia if doubt arises for Learners that may have language, literacy and numeracy issues. To enquire for a skills check call (02) 5105 6122 or conduct the free Loadwise Australia LLN skills check accessed at
Scheduled courses are carried out on site at Loadwise Australia’s training facility Address;
U3, 18-20 Maryborough st,
ACT. 2609.
Courses can be carried out onsite at workplaces (in the ACT jurisdiction) however a pre-site visit must be arranged to assess suitability for training and assessment.
$280.00 per person (GST Exempt for accredited training).
Note: A worker may be eligible for course funding if he/she works for a company or organisation that is substantially (at least 80%) engaged in carrying out work described in the Schedule of Work in the Act (Building and Construction Industry Training Levy Act 1999), within the ACT; Contact the ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Authority on 02 6262 5630 for more information.
The first part is course is conducted via the Loadwise Australia on-line learning platform & is designed to provide students with the underpinning knowledge required to perform safe manual handling tasks. All the resources necessary to complete the course will be provided to the student, and assessment instruments will include a combination of multiple choice, true-false, fill in the blank, 'select the image', question types. Learners must achieve 100 % pass mark in this component of the course to progress to the practical workshop.
The second part of the course is the practical workshop and assessment. The practical face-to-face session may take place at the Loadwise Australia training facility or other suitable workplace venues of which the candidate can book using the Loadwise Australia website . The Loadwise Australia Trainer will be responsible for providing all appropriate assessment equipment and perform a risk assessment and control or remove any identified risks or hazards to ensure the venue is safe and fit for purpose before the candidate/s arrival. The trainer will assess and record each candidate’s ability to perform all the required practical performance criteria specified within the TLID0020 Shift materials safely using manual handling methods unit of competency.
- Assessing the risks associated with relocating loads.
-Type of loads, method, technique, locations, effect on base support, points of balance, clearances, route, PPE, team lifts. - Planning the relocation process prior to performing manual handling.
-Compliance with legislative requirements when planning manual handling. - Carrying out load relocation in accordance with the plan.
-Actions followed in accordance with WHS requirements including technique, movement, picking up, placing, coordination and setting down procedures.

Can be accessed from Loadwise Australia Website by clicking Resources tab - Fees & Charges.
Manual Handling course requires a Unique Student Identifier (USI). Loadwise Australia is unable to provide you with your Statement of Attainment until you have provided us with your USI. To apply for a free USI visit the USI website or contact our facility.
$300 (GST Free)

Contact Us
- Contact Us
- Email:
- Phone: (02) 5105 6122
- Contactable: 9.00am - 4.00 p.m. – Monday to Friday