Language, Literacy and Numeracy Service Providers

Our language, literacy and numeracy tool is designed to assess your performance against the core skills of learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy.
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Canberra Institute of Technology, CIT Vocational College
160 Ainsworth Street, Woden. ACT. ph: 02 6207 3100
Canberra Institute of Technology, CIT Vocational College
Haydon Drive, Bruce. ACT ph. 02 6207 4872
Canberra Institute of Technology, CIT Vocational College
Constitution Avenue, Reid. ACT. ph 02 6205 9615
The following providers below offer the SEE (Skills for Education and Employment) Program for people who are registered with Centrelink and are full time job seekers:
Canberra Institute of Technology, CIT Vocational College
160 Ainsworth Street, Woden. ACT. ph.02 6207 3100
Canberra Institute of Technology, CIT Vocational College
Constitution Avenue, Reid. ACT. ph. 02 6205 9615
Open Training and Education Network (OTEN) TAFE. The course covers reading, writing, spelling and basic maths. Materials include a combination of online and paper based lessons which you work through at your own pace. You need access to a computer to do the certificate courses, however paper lessons can be posted for some units. The cost is $820 per year. Please contact OTEN on 1300 355 531 or for more information.
Bruce Cruicks at Australasian Readwell in Labrador QLD offers distance/online tutoring for reading, writing and spelling and can be contacted on 07 5532 8325 or
Fantastic Phonics is an online course. The program is extended through a self-driven online multimedia and video system, which removes the need for a teacher. The system allows each individual to access the program at home, or work, on weekends or holidays, or on the bus to work (accessible via smartphone, iPads, and computer). The cost per individual is $45 for the program. Please logon to the website to make an enquiry at telephone 02 6379 8350.
The Diamond Valley Learning Centre in Victoria has published a Spelling Guide that can be ordered from their website or they can be contacted on 03 9435 9060. The cost of the spelling guide is $29.50 including postage.